Tag: metabolism
Danger Metabolism Slowing Ahead
Unless you have a degree in human biology …and in many cases even if you do… you do not understand what “metabolism” means. This word gets thrown around the fitness and diet media and is used to scare people into thinking there is a dangerous level of calories that will destroy their metabolism. This of…
1 pound of muscle burns 50 calories per day
The Claim: Adding an extra pound of muscle to your body causes you to burn about 50 more calories per day Answer: FACTOID Muscle tissue only burns about 5 calories per day. This is a well established scientific fact that you can easily verify with a quick browse through the scientific literature. The most metabolically…
Breakfast – the Most Important Meal of the Day?
The Claim: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and kickstarts your metabolism. If you skip breakfast you’ll overeat at the end of the day and you won’t perform as well at work/school. Answer: FACTOID Eating breakfast has no special effect on your metabolism or metabolic rate as it were. If you like…
What Makes You Special? Hint – It’s not Your Body
You’re unique, just like a snowflake…you’re one of a kind…just like everybody else! So here is your special bear to make you feel good about being so special. Ok so now that we’ve all stroked our ego’s enough and reminded ourselves that we’re ‘special’ lets get down to the business of exercise and diet. I…
10 Obese People have a Slower Metabolic Rate – Answer
#10 – Obese people have slower basal metabolic rates than non-obese people Answer: FALSE This is a common fallacy to assume that obese or overweight people have a slower metabolic rate and that they are somehow just not burning enough calories. From here the thinking is they can lose weight by increasing their metabolism and…