Category: Uncategorized
The Ultimate Stress Test
The response to the coronavirus has presented us with what could be considered the biggest stress test of ourselves individually and of our societies collectively. On one hand our life stresses have increased due to a lack of certainly about our financial futures, the political future, and what the future holds for our families, friends…
How Much Protein Is In An Egg?
Eggs are an excellent source of protein and relatively cheap too. They have a very high biological value and a full complement of essential and non-essential amino acids. In short, if you wanted a complete and easy to absorb protein source look no further than eggs. With that said there are a few considerations you…
Using Growth Hormone For Fat Loss
Growth Hormone is a commonly abused drug in the bodybuilding culture. Although it’s name might make you think it is primarily responsible for muscle growth, it is actually used to help with recovery and above all, fat burning. In order to burn fat your body needs to have high growth hormone levels and low insulin levels.…
What do you look like when you’re eating
I’m sitting at a coffee and bagel shop in the airport right now and there is someone a few tables down from me eating lunch. I’ve glanced over at them a few times now and it occurred to me that none of us know what we look like when we’re eating. This person seems to…
Short vs Long Term Thinking
There is a theme to sustainable success no matter what type of success you’re talking about…it could be weight loss, career, education, sports, financial etc. And that theme seems to be short vs long term thinking. I view it as the simplest expression of the underlying theme to all of these more commonly heard concepts…