Category: Health
What Does “Healthy” Look Like?
I met up with a friend for my morning coffee today and we got onto the topic of body image (go figure) and we ended up talking about what a healthy body looks like. This is when I realized that we all have a built in image in our heads of what we think a…
Are You Obsessed with Exercise?
I was at the gym yesterday, just like any other day. I was doing some squatting and I between sets I just sorta hang out at the squat rack, scanning the gym. I’ll glance at whatever game is on TV, then I take a quick look at the clock to see how much rest I…
Muffin Tops and Fruit Salad: Which is Better for Weight Loss?
So I’m at my favorite coffee shop the other day getting settled in for my morning routine of coffee, a snack, and some writing. I go up to the counter and order a coffee and a muffin. The girl behind the counter kinda knows me now and was even helping me count glasses of water…
Fish Oils to the Rescue
It’s been approximately 16 months since I last had my blood tested and I just got my test results back today. Everything checks out A-ok. Last time my HDL numbers were a little low, so I took a fish oil supplement which brought my HDL up nicely into a cardio protective range. If I didn’t…
Diet and Fitness Answers vs Truth
In the interweb age you can find ‘answers’ to any question you can think of asking, but this doesn’t mean you’ve arrived a ‘truth’. This is largely how the diet and fitness industry works, delivering ‘answers’ without really delivering truth. People want to spot reduce fat (scientifically determined to be impossible) but you can buy…