Hi I’m John Barban and here is some stuff you might find useful/interesting about me and what this blog is all about.

My formal education background is a degree in human biology and nutrition from the University of Guelph (Ontario Canada), and a Masters In Human Biology and nutrition also from U of Guelph.
I did further graduate research and taught exercise physiology at the University of Florida (Go Gators!)
I’ve taken a bunch of personal training certifications, all the usual ones such as the NSCA CSCS, ACE PT, CSEP etc. I was also a certified kinesiologist blah blah, if you’ve taken any of these certifications you know how BS they are…I personally don’t put any value in these certificates because they’re not hands on and just require a simple written test…so yeah I have em’ but I don’t think they mean anything.
I’ve worked in the dietary and sports supplement industry researching and developing sports and weight loss supplements for over 20 years, some of the current brands I’ve created are Java Burn, Tea Burn, Resurge, Live Pure. Best selling diet and fitness programs I’ve created are The Adonis Golden Ratio and The Venus Factor.

I spent 3 years as a varsity strength and conditioning coach (ice hockey) at the University of Guelph.
I’ve also trained with a world class power lifting team…I got really strong, and all the workouts sucked! I still maintain close contact with the powerlifting team and continue to discuss training experiences and theories with them.
I also keep close ties with colleagues in the biomechanics field. This is how I stay up to date on the latest research in biomechanics and human movement science in general.
I’m currently working on exercise programs and researching solutions to weight loss, muscle building and longevity.
Based on my experience in the supplement industry I can tell you that you’re never going to find an answer there about weight loss or muscle building. In fact the more time you spend reading about supplements and fitness magazines in general the less likely you are to find a useful answer about either. Ironic isn’t it!
So that’s my brief ‘bio’.
This blog is meant to be a place where we can have free thinking politically incorrect and a logical discussion about all things related to human biology, including health/fitness, nutrition, and anything else that affects our well being/health.
Sometimes the path will stray as far as sociology, economics and politics, and other times we’ll end up talking evolution, genetics, environmental science and cellular biology. Our health and well being is inextricably linked to all of these factors and therefore they are all fair game.
No matter where we end up the discussions will always be based on facts, logic and evidence.