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From Just Reading and Wishing to Fitness Cover Model Body

The coaching with John has everything I have been searching for. The workouts are intelligently written, and following John’s principles works.
I never followed through the fitness contest in the magazines, but this time having access to all those interviews, a great step-by-step program, and coaching with John helped me stay on track and finish it. …And I won! Twice!
I spent years consuming information, but I was just reading, not taking the action. I bought all the DVD sets, gadgets, I got it all, but I never did anything and got any results.
I read about tons of diets, I spent a lot of time reading about, it was my hobby, but my physique didn’t match this hobby, I never took any action.
I am glad I took the effort this time because I look great and at the same time, I’m in a shape that I can maintain for the rest of my life. On top of that, I made several friends with the girls following John’s coaching, and I have cover magazine pictures of myself that I can keep forever.
Get John’s coaching, follow his principles, and start the journey today. If I could do it, you can do it too.
Listen to an interview with her here

I Thought I had to Gain 20 Pounds to Get in Shape, It Never Occurred to Me that I Need to Do the Opposite

Before trying the John’s coaching I was already working out, I was a member of a gym for about a year, but I just didn’t have the results I wanted.
Then I saw some of the John’s clients’ transformations and decided to give it a try.
…And it worked!
I always thought about myself as a lean guy, I didn’t think I have to put in the effort and lose weight. I thought that I just needed to build muscle.
What most people don’t realize is that if you gain 20 pounds in several weeks, it’s mostly fat. I was always smooth and my muscles weren’t visible, you almost couldn’t tell I was working out.
Do you wanna to take of your shirt and have a big gut, or the nice V-Taper?
To get bigger you have to actually get lighter. On my after pictures I look better and BIGGER, but I am actually LIGHTER. Most people just want to gain, gain, gain, but gain on what cost?

Anybody Can Get In Shape

I was pretty surprised when I saw my after pictures. I didn’t think I changed so much. The transformation was amazing.
I discovered coaching with John through a friend of mine who won one of the previous contests.
I saw her transform in front of my eyes, and it was obvious that she found something that worked.
So I asked her what her secret is. She told me that she is following a coaching program with John and since I saw her improve week by week, I gave it a shot.
At the beginning, I doubted the program, but then I saw my after pictures I was sold. I will stick to coaching with John, and I am not going to look for any other program anymore. I have found what works, finally.
The great thing about this coaching is that they are not telling you when to work out. You can choose the days and the times yourself. I find this pretty helpful because I’m a mother of a three-year-old and I’m working nights, so I don’t have much time left in a day to work out.
However, coaching with John allowed me to structure my workouts around my lifestyle circumstances.
My advice is to just do it and trust the system, if it won’t work you can just move on and try other stuff, but trust me, it will work.
I’m 100% with this coaching.
If you follow it as it’s laid out, it will get you the results you want.

You Have to Focus on Proportions and Ideal Shape, Or You Will Never Look Good

I have to say that looking at the pictures now; the transformation is massive and quite impressive. I’m really happy with the results and even proud at how I changed.
At first I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I did my best at the gym, I trained really hard, never missed a workout and followed my diet plan. I was never in a shape like this, so I wasn’t sure how I am going to look like once I get there, but I really like how I look now.
People look at my pictures and they think I have gained about 15 pounds. The truth is that while I have definitely gained some muscles, I actually lost weight.
And that’s the most important thing I have learnt from John’s coaching, that by being six pack lean and having proportioned muscles you create an illusion of being bigger than you really are.
It’s all about definition, proportions and shape.
Before doing this transformation it would have never occurred to me that I could look bigger and be actually lighter.
And I didn’t have to change into a compulsive dieter or a gym rat to do this either. There was a balance and I didn’t have to sleep at the gym or eat six times a day at home, preparing all my meals with high protein shakes.
Thanks John for keeping it simple, this really changed my life!

I Never Felt Confident Before, Now I Just Love Hanging out in Bikini

After I saw my pictures I just couldn’t believe that this is really the new me. It was amazing. Coaching with John helped to design my body the way I wanted and shape it into its ideal shape.
I just calculated my ideal measurements based on my height, stopped focusing on my weight, started following the workouts and after 12 weeks I completely transformed my body.
And I hit my numbers exactly as I set out.
That’s why it’s such a great coaching. I know what to expect, where to get, I have a specific goal I know I can achieve, because it’s calculated for me personally not for somebody else.
My workouts suddenly have a purpose. I just don’t go to the gym to do endless hours of cardio and ab crunches. John helped me build a body that is based on the best women’s proportions and hourglass shape.
..And it works, I have done it and the results are AWESOME!
I always felt good in clothes, but never in a bikini. Now I am even more confident when I am in a bikini at a beach than when I’m just in jeans.
Thanks guys from coaching with John for being specific and the girls following John’s coaching for such huge support!

It’s John Barban, Not My Personal Training Certificate that Helped Me Understand My Body

I’ve been working out for quite a while and I have a personal trainer certificate, but while I thought I knew a lot I was completely unaware of how unfit I really am and truth to be told, I really didn’t know that much as I thought I did. In reality I knew only what the supplement companies and fitness magazines wanted me to know, how pathetic.
I tried John’s coaching after a friend of mine introduced me to it. It worked and better than I expected.
To this day I lost 35 pounds and went from 210 to 175 and I can finally see my abs.
I would never believe that I will get so lean that I would actually see my abs changing its look based on the specific food I eat, incredible.
I always looked sort of good in the shirt, but I would be anxious about taking it off, this has drastically changed in the last few months.
Today when I look at myself in a mirror, all I can tell is “wow”. John’s coaching program allowed me to experience this and helped me transform my body.

42 Year Old Mother & Wife Decided to Get in Shape

I’m 5’6’’, 42 years old, mother and a wife and because of my parents I developed an orthorexia and food schizophrenia.
At the end of day I was always resentful and depressed and used food to calm me down, which resulted in a lot of guilt afterwards.
At one time in my life I was close to 180 pounds.
Despite the fact that I was eating “clean” and “healthy foods” during the day and everybody view me as the healthy food expert, I wasn’t very happy with my weight.
I realized that I needed to change this approach. I tried dozen of diets including paleo and the zone diet. It worked for a while, but required lot of energy and time.
Then when I searched for a better way of doing this I stumbled across John’s coaching.
This is amazing. The approach is logical and it makes so much sense. It’s more flexible and simpler than anything I have tried in my life so far and I tried a lot of diet approaches.
When my husband got back home after several months, he was astonished by my transformation. I’m proud of my accomplishments and happy with myself now.
What I was doing before was just a waste of time and it’s a pity I didn’t discovered this earlier.
I never thought I could go to my pre-baby weight, or even further. Now I feel that anything is possible.
And if I can do it, everybody can!

My Wife Got in Shape, so I Had to Do the Same to Keep Up with Her

I still can’t believe that I did this amazing transformation in just four months. But I did and if I can do it, you can too. It’s all about the mental shift. You need to commit yourself to following the program and go from one workout to the next one.
John’s coaching is based on science and math, you are shooting for a golden ratio that is the key. You will have a specific and measurable goal. A goal that is tailored to your own body shape, not somebody else.
This is what makes it the number one workout program.

Venus Index Systems Are Better than Your Regular Fitness Advice

It took me six months until I decided to try John’s coaching, I regret not trying it sooner.
Once I read the manual, I realized that my approach so far was too complicated. Everything I read in the manual made so much sense to me, it was written in an easy to understand way and I got hooked immediately.
In the past I really tried it all, paleo, vegetarianism, veganism, counting macronutrients, six bodybuilding meals a day and countless other diets.
I was following advice from a bodybuilder I worked for. I saw her on stage and she looked great, so I thought that she knows it all, but what I didn’t realize is how she looked the rest of the year and that after the show she would rebound and gain 30 pounds as a result.
I was always unhappy, grumpy and bitchy, because I was always cravings sweets and thinking about chocolate 24/7.
This all changed once I started following John’s principles.
I love the program, I got in a great shape again, but this time I could maintain it. That was huge for me, no more strict six meals a day, and no rebounds after summer, and I feel great, I am always in an amazing mood, because I don’t eliminate sweets and chocolate from my life anymore.
I did this with less strict approach, less complicated methods and less effort than in the past.
Trust yourself, trust the concept and just go for it. I did and it was one of the best decisions of my life.

Fitness Model: “John Gave Me the Needed Confidence”

I started doing fashion modeling photoshoots and shows a while back. I was working out, I had a trainer and I was quite happy with the results. I was both healthy and in shape.
Then I went to a fitness competition and I was absolutely stunned and amazed by the community, everybody there was in a phenomenal shape.
I was inspired by the people and I wanted to look like those girls.
Since a friend of mine told me about John’s coaching, I wanted to give it a shot and see whether it helps me or not.
The main challenge for me was working out alone, I never tried that, I always had a trainer or somebody with me. I lacked confidence being alone in the gym.
The results were amazing. Just follow John’s coaching, don’t try to add anything extra.
When you are on stage, nobody cares how much you weight, it’s all about how you present yourself, how you look and if you have better proportions then the girls next to you.
And this is what John’s coaching is all about – Proportions and shape.

I’ve Never Been So Happy and Proud of Myself Before

I’m 26 and look better than ever. It’s still hard to accept that this is really how I look now. It takes some time to get used to your new body after a big transformation.
However, I am super happy with the way I look and am very proud of my body and my accomplishments.
In the past I didn’t look exactly the way I wanted and wasn’t able to keep the unwanted weight off. I would always gain and lose 20 pounds every year. It was depressing, frustrating and exhausting.
And now? I have a six pack and slim and toned body that I can sustain all year round.
That is a big difference, but I wouldn’t be able to do that if it wasn’t for John’s coaching. It is based on science and math, no BS.
John will transform your body and if you have any questions you can ask him.

It Was Adonis Index, Not My Training Certificate that Helped Me Understand My Body

I am a personal trainer and I always thought I knew it all; however once I took a good look at myself I saw that wasn’t really the case. I wasn’t in shape. Yes, the muscles were there, but they were covered by fat.
Adonis Index helped me to find the solution and not only that; it also showed me a much better way of training in the gym.
Before trying the Adonis Index, I would spend tons of money on food, ate lots of protein, ate six times a day and were just constantly looking for a good workout program.
Listen, if you believe that to get in a killer shape you by bulking up to 200, eating six times a day, having four protein shakes a day and watching macronutrient intake then you gotta get John’s coaching asap, because your belief couldn’t be further from the truth.
I still can’t believe it, but truth to be told, I am actually getting better results by doing less complicated and less time consuming stuff than ever before.
I am never going back to that bodybuilding nonsense ever again.

Finally Something That Works

When I was at university I had a typical student life. No sports, just sedentary lifestyle, eating and drinking with friends a lot.
Then I got job, got married, had a lot of stress like everyone else and just end up eating a lot. I ate my way to 160 pounds. And I’m just a little over five feet tall.
I was pretty unhappy with the way I looked. I started running, because I really wanted to get rid of this extra weight. I lost about 30 pounds and got to 130. Then I got stuck and I started feeling really frustrated, after a while my eating crapped up again and I started gaining weight AGAIN.
I really wanted to get this area handled so I started reading more books and consuming fitness media. At one point I was even considering becoming a fitness trainer and getting the certificate to learn all their secrets. What was I thinking?
After stumbling around a bit and searching the internet I’ve found John’s coaching.
He allowed me to get in touch with my primary goal again and showed me the simplest and easiest steps to get in shape. Now I can spend time doing what really works to get me to my goals.
Now I am happy with the way I look. I have also placed second in a fitness contest and I have great pictures for the rest of my life.

Better Results with Simpler Approach

I never found a good plan and never even stick to any program for too long. Then my co-worker sent me and email with a link to John’s coaching. Looking at the transformations that all the girls made was huge wake up call for me.
I was giving up and the John’s coaching came exactly at a right time. I was curious what it can do for me, so I bought it.
This is the first time I realized that losing fat and getting in shape is not complicated, in fact it’s pretty simple stuff.
In the past I would lose few pounds, but then it would stop and I never got anywhere.
I was bit worried that I will have to go very strict and spend my day in a gym, avoid any sweets, but I was very surprised when I found out that all of this is unnecessary and that the strictness is actually what keeps people struggling with getting in shape.
I didn’t even go to the gym; I was just working out at home.
And I didn’t even have to restrict myself at social events, pretty much no one knew what I was doing.
It was really the easiest thing I have ever done.

I Could Have Been Ripped Years Ago If I’d Started with John’s coaching

I had dozens of other online programs in my PC that I wasted my money on in the past. It took me six months to bulk up. After that I took a serious look at myself. To be honest, I looked like crap, I felt like crap.
After a while I decided to try John’s coaching. And it WORKED! It worked like magic.
Before training with John I acted like a jackass. This behavior came from my insecurities about the way I looked. When I looked skinny I was a jerk, when I bulked up, I became even a bigger jerk. And this only changed once I got in shape.
Keep it simple guys, get John’s coaching program, get ripped, and enjoy life.

I Was Never So Lean and in Such a Great Shape as I’m Now at the Age of 50

I have been training for several years. I never competed and I worked out hard but never got the shape I really wanted. I was always doing just what the guys were doing at the gym and not aiming for any specific shape.
I just lifted some weights for about 30 minutes, ran 6 miles and that was it, no structured plan whatsoever.
I was stuck, I was training almost every day, but I wasn’t happy with the way I looked.
It wasn’t until I found John’s coaching that I finally reshaped my body. I was very skeptical at first. I just jumped in and started the workouts for a three months as a test drive and the results blown me away. It completely changed my body and my whole life.
I’m 50 and I’m in the leanness and best shape of my life. I have never been happier. My husband is the envy of his friends that he “got a new wife” in our mid life.
Guys are complimenting me on getting lean and in shape. Girls too and when they ask about my secret I always tell them to check out the John’s coaching, the best thing I’ve ever tried and the only one that got me results and body that I can maintain all year round.
I like where I am now and I want to stay there.

Single Digit BodyFat While Eating Foods You Love

When I think about it, I’ve always wanted to have a great looking body. As a kid, it was probably more to resemble my favorite actors, like Shwartzenegger, or Van Damme… Later, I just understood all the benefits (health and social status) related to looking good.
The only problem was I spent too much time philosophing and playing music rather than playing sports and ended up rather chubby. I tried many different approaches and programs over the years and succeeded in losing some fat and building muscle mass, but I was never able get to the shape I really wanted.
At one point, I would be training four times a week and doing cardio training for one hour for the other three. Two of these cardio sessions featured a half hour warm up at steady state plus a half hour of HIIT. Even after months of training I still didn’t have the shape I wanted. I read and listened to many people, coaches and even trainers and ended up trying countless approaches without ever losing the fat. It seemed as though the industry was setting me up for failure.
The discovery of John’s coaching was and is to this day life changing for me. I clung to its simple philosophy and put aside all the nonsense I had believed about training and weight loss. I followed his principles on workouts as well as nutritional approach and trimmed down 2 inches off my waist in less than 4 weeks!
All that with no cardio! I can’t stress enough how amazed I was by my results and how easy it was to finally get there!
I haven’t reached my golden numbers yet, that will obviously take more time, but still I feel like I’ve won a battle thanks to the coaching.
Thank you John Barban!

I Finally Have the Tool to Make My Dreams a Reality

When I took the before pictures, I knew I have to do something with myself.
In the past I kind of convinced myself that I’m problematic and can’t achieve a good looking body. I just tried so many things in my life, and always failed, that I thought I was the thing that was wrong and broken, it never occurred to me that the systems I followed in the past were flawed in a first place.
I had some backwards days, crazy work, and weak will power at some days, but support from John really helped me keep going.
At one point in my life there wasn’t any variation. I was trying to figure out how to eat the right portion of macronutrients, coming up with some crazy menus, leaving no room for variability, forcing myself to eat stuff I didn’t want to eat, eating in secrecy and all of that craziness. Those diets lasted just for a few days and I felt miserable afterwards.
I still have a way to go, but I finally for the first time in my life have principles from John to make my dreams happen. I’m finally in control. I also have something to work towards to. It’s not just about losing weight, I have tangible measurements to aim for, it’s really exciting.

34 Years Old Dad Working Shifts Got in Shape!

I was the typical skinny fat guy. I wore clothes that fit just right but never too tight. I was never truly happy with my body.
I lost 20 lbs in the first 7 weeks following John’s philosophy. People noticed it in my face that I was getting slimmer. I started at 189 lbs and 12 weeks later I hit the 159 lbs. I was never that light, not even at college.
When I looked at the pictures I was shocked to say the least because I never thought that I would be able to transform my body to the point I’m at now. I owe many thanks to John for that. I posted my before and after pictures on Facebook and my family I haven’t seen for some time has been contacting me and asking me what my secret to getting so lean is. I directed my friends and family to John’s coaching program, because there is just no better way to getting in shape than that, it really works.
Getting in shape was a major challenge for me because of work, sickness, and balancing family with working out. I work 10-12 hour shifts on swing shift 5 to 6 days a week. So I don’t get to bed until 3am to 4am. I get up in the mornings at 6:30am to get my twin daughters, Maleena and Pravina off to school. I then take care of my 3 year old son Donavan in the mornings while my wife is at work. I always hope he takes a nap, but he never does. I have 2-4 hours a sleep a night on average.
Stop complaining you can’t do it, I sleep less than 5 hours a day and I have undergone an amazing transformation, just check the pictures, they speak for themselves.

Never Had My Waist This Small and My Butt This Cute

I wanted to look better, but I wasn’t really sure how to do it. I always worked to keep the blood flowing and relieve the stress, but while the wheels were spinning I wasn’t going anywhere, because I didn’t know where to go. I was going to the gym regularly, but I was directionless and that always had demotivating effect on me.
I was bored with my workouts all the time. So in this John’s coaching was incredibly helpful. I changed into a person that loves working out, is full of energy, and doesn’t get bored from the workouts.
This was a wonderful experience and it helped me with stress at my life and work, after 9 years I finally had the courage to tell my boss about my work challenges.
Before I was flat and not exactly in a shape. Now I can finally see some curves, amazing. Following John’s coaching was the best thing I have ever done.

My Tailor Told Me I Look Better than Any Other Local Girl

I love the idea of using body shape and some sort of index as a goal, this got me interested in the first place.
John’s coaching is awesome. This is the first thing that ever worked for me, and I tried 25 programs in total so far! I finished them all, but without any results.
I am very satisfied and pleased with my final look.
Other people are noticing too. Even my tailor told me that I look better than the locals (I live in Hong Cong for the most part of the year).
There are different body shapes and you can build all of them, so I think that it’s important to work with John, because otherwise you can really screw up your shape and look average or below average like the most of the women in here.
I can really recommend him, so helpful, love it.

My Eating Disorder Just Went Away, I can Finally Eat Like a Normal Person

I was pretty much a normal size child growing up, up until the age of 13. Then I developed an eating disorder, I binged a lot, ate enormous amounts of meals and gained a lot in as little as twelve months and got overweight quickly.
I then went for therapy and ate basically protein, vegetables and fruits. Everything else was categorized as the devil. I was vegan, vegetarian and I also followed Atkins’s for some time.
Then I found John’s coaching. He showed me the truth.
I’m glad I found him, because my husband was really struggling with my inability to eat like a normal person. We would travel to Italy I would just not eat like everyone else and would have to get my special meals, because what was on the menu was forbidden, that’s a no way to live!
I would have social issues because of this. I would then end up eating in secrecy and feel guilty about it afterwards. I learnt about my mistakes and now eating is fun and a positive experience for me and I no longer have any social problems, because my eating disorder is gone.
I basically dived in. And the weight just fell off.
The coaching is great, it’s all based on science, it all makes sense and is simple to follow.

Finally a Coach Who Will Get You in Shape

I have always stayed in decent shape due to my job (farming) and I have done martial arts most of my life as well as having an active lifestyle. As I was approaching a 300# squat, I starting re-thinking what I really wanted to accomplish. I realized my goal was not leading me in a useful direction, and that what I really wanted was to look good. This eventually led me to John and his philosophy.
I realized this was the best way and had no desire to try anything else.
I really enjoy working out using John’s recommendations. I committed myself to doing the workouts and I didn’t miss a single one of them, even though this meant doing them at 10:00 at night to work around my hectic harvest schedule.
The diet part is really freeing in a lot of ways and helped me understand that simple is better. Before John’s coaching I have tried a lot, you name it and I did it, all the usual six meals a day, high protein and no junk food and I just found that I couldn’t do it. Now, I came to definitely appreciate food and stop doing all of this crap.
John has really good principles that I know I can and will follow for the rest of my life.

I Suddenly Have Energy to Do Achieve Anything I Want To

I bought several fitness program, but results weren’t that great and I wanted some guidance and structure.
I was lucky to realize the weight lifting isn’t just for men and if I start training it won’t turn me into some shemale bodybuilder without breasts, is a myth.
John’s coaching helped me understand that lifting heavy is the key to a healthy and good looking body.
I just wish I knew this when I was younger. I have literally wasted years of my life, that I could look great if I followed John’s principles earlier.
I even completely changed the way people see me, a friend told me that she admires my endless energy. She wouldn’t say that about me a year ago.

I Wasn’t This Lean and Fit Since I Was a Teenager

I love my pictures, very excited, this is the look I really wanted my entire life. I’m 46 years and I’ve finally achieved it.
And I owe this achievement to John Barban, because I wouldn’t have gotten in such a shape without him.
The most amazing thing?
I have abs!
And I’ve never had visible abs in my life.
Thinking about it, I wasn’t this lean and fit since I was a teenager.
And my husband loves my change. The results I’ve gotten from using the coaching are so amazing that he started using it too.

You Can Stay Lean and Still Be Building Muscles

I was amazed by how good the pictures came out at the end. It was definitely a big improvement compared to how I looked before working out with John’s coaching.
I never really knew what to do to get in shape, how to work out, never paid attention to how I lift or to what I ate and my body was a good evidence of this approach.
Once I went through John’s coaching program I was like, this really makes a lot of sense, it’s no “bro-science” you hear in the gym or marketing claims you are faced to everywhere else.
This was logical and based on real research.
The best part of this is that you can look good all year round. Nobody cares how much you weight, what really matters are your proportions.
Get his coaching, be consistent with your workouts and you will be able to build muscles while staying lean all year long. You will look good even without your shirt off and will never have to do bulking ever again.

At 49 I Have a Body That Most 20 Years Old Women Would Kill For

When I was younger I just wanted to look better, but now it’s still about looking like a fitness model, but more about being functional, stay healthy, avoid injury and recover quickly. I want to be able to do the same things I do now when I’m 70. I don’t want to be like those old people, who can barely walk and they easily break a bone, because they are just too fragile form not training.
Today I have a physique that many 20 year old girls would kill for.
Thanks to Venus Index I have the tools to maintain it with very little effort.
My advice?
Follow John’s principles and train heavy. The heavy training is the key. You will never see me doing cardio; I’m always in the weight room. Because that’s where the best physiques are built, don’t be scared of weights, it won’t turn you into a bulky bodybuilder, quite the opposite. Heavy weights will help you build a toned, curved body and if you follow the Venus Index workouts, you will achieve your ideal proportions as well.
You don’t have to eat six times a day and you can still enjoy your weekly barbecues.
Get John’s coaching, get in shape, and expend the quality of your life today!

After Pregnancy, Wins Transformation Contest

A few years back I hated every single picture of myself. Today I can stand up in front of a mirror and simply say “wow”.
I used my first pregnancy as an excuses to eat whatever I wanted and I gained a lot.
Now after second pregnancy I look and feel better than ever before, because I decided to use John’s coaching throughout the pregnancy this time.
Listen, today I have a daughter, a newborn and a job. You have to stop making excuses or yourself and just do it.
There is no way around. And you can do it, if I can, you can do it too.

After 40 Years of Unsuccessful Dieting There is Still Hope

At the beginning I was skeptical, but I decided to just try John’s coaching. That has been the best thing for me.
I started very slow, doing very light weights in my home, and once I learned the moves and was not too embarrassed I started going to a gym to work out there. As I progressed I started needing heavier weights for a lot of the exercises and that’s been a big motivation, to see myself improve.
Going to the gym and increasing my weights has been a real game changer for me. After about 2 or 3 weeks I started to see more progress in a mirror noticed that I lost a few pounds of fat.
I am known for starting things and then letting life get in the way and not finishing because of some excuses. Well-being 53 years old, I am out of excuses, there is no time like the present! So this is the beginning of a long journey for me. I like where my body is heading and want to keep moving forward.
Thank you John.

I’m 52 Year-old Wife, Mother of Four, But John Helped Me Get Ripped

As a mother I didn’t devote a lot of time to my own fitness. In my late thirties, I began going to the gym and incorporating resistance training along with cardio.
I’d just go to the gym, pick the weights and lift. While I did get pretty good results, it wasn’t significant and not even that, but I also go bored of this and had hard time sticking to my routine since there wasn’t any plan.
So what became really challenging for me was always having the motivation to work out. Workouts can become pretty boring if you let them.
My son, a long time fan of John, told me about the coaching. I knew immediately that I wanted to take it. I needed a structure in my routine and a fresh and new workout plan; he gave me a new focus and motivation with a goal of seeing measurable results in twelve weeks!
I’ve also enjoyed not having to “plan” my own workouts, but to be able to just do what someone else (that actually knows how to design a workout) with a lot of knowledge planned for me. It’s been great this way, I can just print it and hit the gym without any preparation!
Thanks John, I’m glad my son told me about you!

“For the First Time in My Life I Finally finished Something”

John’s coaching has been a life-changing experience for me.
I was surprised that my body changed so much. I still can’t believe it’s my head on this body. I have muscle tone and shape that I have never had before. And I weigh less than I did in high school!
One of the biggest motivations for me is being a good example for my son. I don’t want him to see his mom struggle with eating issues and poor self-esteem. I want to have that area handled. I am well on my way there. When I decided what I want, which is one child and good looking body, I felt like I had my life back. I have a brighter outlook on my life because I know I am not going to be just a Mom. I am a woman with interests and passion who also happens to be a great mother.
Thank you for the amazing coaching. It has changed my life and I could not be happier!!

“I only wish I had found it months earlier”

I was thrilled to discover a set of quantifiable measurements I could further train my body to. At the time, I didn’t really know where I should or wanted to go “next” with my physique and fitness goals.
John’s coaching has been rewarding in so many ways and it has been a terrific learning experience for me.
I learned more about what my body is capable of and I gained strength, stamina and balance. I learned new methods of training and new exercises and I learned which exercises are more or less well suited to the needs of the female physique.
Having made my own extensive researches before purchasing the coaching program I was excited to discover NEW exercises and methods so closely in accordance with my own beliefs and suspicions.
I only wish I had found it months earlier!
Thanks for the coaching!

You Don’t Have to Be Obsessive about Fitness to Look like When You Were 18

As a trainer I believe that you can do anything given the right support and I found this support through John’s coaching.
Just by looking at the system I knew these people understood what they were doing and the whole concept of a scientific formula determining the perfect hourglass shape just made it more attractive to me. So I bought John’s coaching so I could reach my ultimate dream body.
You should have seen the look on my face just in the first week’s measurements… I was soaring! I had such great results.
And I remind you that that I have a baby to breastfeed every 3 hours and a 1 and a half year old to tend to and I still train clients part time and take care of the house and meals for my dear husband who is a president of a midsized electronics company and has no time to help me with these things, so NO I didn’t do the extra cardio I thought I had to put in (and in any case I hate with a passion).
My journey continues and I am so grateful to John who is an amazing guy by the way, he’s the type of trainer that a trainer like me looks up to. It’s important to understand that a complete coaching program like this one is very hard to find and making things easier to do is essential for success when you’re too busy with your own life, let professionals like John ENSURE you have ALL the tools you need to reach the BEST SHAPE you have ever been in your entire life and your only responsibility is commit to JUST DO IT no excuses.

Your Transformation Is Going to Be Both Physical and Mental

What a journey this has been!
In fact, just seeing the progression and noticing seemingly idiotic things like fitting into old jeans and not having to pose only from a certain angle in photos, is worth every effort and every setback that I have faced thus far.
I continue to learn and discover new things about myself, about self-sabotage, about overcoming challenges and just getting back up on track.
At the beginning of the journey I was tottering at 164-168 lbs… I am at 151-155 lbs now, but the difference in my body composition is even more noticeable then just those few pounds.
Thanks John for coming up with the coaching.

What If You Have Never Lifted Weights, Can You Still Do This?

I have never done a dieting plan before or even really focused on working out.
I have been a runner on and off and have generally eaten healthy.
While doing this program, though, I learned that eating is so much more than just healthy food and that exercise is so much more than just having a fast heart rate.
I learned that my body can function on foods I choose to put into it and that I get to choose what my body looks like.
I learned that the control I gained from walking away from food because I had already had my calorie count meant I could also walk away from other areas in life that were causing my stress.
I also learned how to make my body work for me. I also learned to have patience with myself as I watched the choices I make yield results I had hoped for.
I learned to stop comparing myself to others and realize my own path in life is unique just as my body type is unique.
Above all else, I learned to just have fun with the journey.
Thank you John for giving this opportunity, I learned so much and I’m discovering even more every day.

You Can Change the Way You Look

My experience started when my boyfriend showed me John’s coaching program.
It seemed logical and the ideas about body metrics sounded very interesting, but I just didn’t believe in bodybuilding for women.
I never thought I could change how I look and I thought that working out is stupid.
However, I saw the amazing transformations on the web that others girls made after following John’s principles, so I signed up for John’s coaching and started training.
I wanted to be fit and toned, but I thought it’s going to be so hard that I won’t be able to achieve it, especially after the first workout that was very difficult for me – I couldn’t even do the pushups.
But after a while I was getting stronger and the workouts started to feel really good.
I actually started enjoying them!
All in all it was a very good experience for me.
Now I know I can push my limits much more than I ever thought I could…and … I can do pushups!
Thank you John for the work and dedication you put into this.

Mastering Martial Arts Doesn’t Mean You’ll Build a Great Body

I was around 168 lbs, a size 12 and pushing the edge of “average” and looking dumpy square in the eye. I suffered from undiagnosed digestive issues, I regularly paid for bootcamp classes, I did one or two spin classes a week and walked my dogs. Even though I wasn’t falling into the “Obese” category, I was getting close.
After a few months of John’s coaching I am 138 lbs, a size 6 and definitely moving off not just from the “Almost Obese” category, but even form the “Average” category into the “I look good” category.
That’s quite amazing to me!
And considering I do just three workouts a week now.
Oh and do not think for a moment that this is some uninteresting struggle, I had fun the whole time. And oh did I ever laugh. NO issue was too silly. No question was too stupid. No topic was off limits. And in some cases, no information was too much.
I really loved doing my pictures at the end.
They may not be the best pictures in the world, but to me ???? they are priceless because it was so much fun doing them.

From Fragile to Venus

I was nerdy, quiet, poor, a horrible dresser, teen acne, rode a bike to school, one of my parents was an immigrant. Had an afterschool job dressed as a chicken. This made me ripe for being picked on. I arrived to class one day to see the poster on my locker. “UGLIEST GIRL of Central High School.”
I dived headfirst into fitness after graduation. I scored near perfect on my pt test in the Army, became a marathon training coach, received my personal trainer certification. But I never felt beautiful.
John’s coaching program wasn’t just about taking me to the point of thinness. This program would help me to get that smoking HOT factor. I wanted my high school bullies to see me and be floored.
Back in high school I asked one of the few boys who didn’t tease me, to prom. His response? “I don’t date ugly.” On vacation to my hometown, I ran into this person I haven’t seen since graduation. “April? You look great!” He then asked if I was available for drinks. My response was in the negative. He was no Adonis.
Thank you John for giving me the Wow factor and giving me the ability to take revenge in the sweetest way.

No More Fat Clothes and Yo-Yo Diets

7 short months ago, I was sick of rebounding again after all the effort I had put into losing weight, I was at one of my highest weights in my life – 185 pounds!
I worked really hard to diet and work out through May of 2011 and got down to 148 which is the slimmest I can remember being in my teens. By February 2012, my weight had crept up again to 165.
I have struggled with weight since I can remember even knowing what weight is, probably around 3rd grade.
I was DONE yoyo’ing. I needed something that worked but was maintainable. I started searching for something that would work.
…Then I came across John’s coaching.
Finally! Someone put a number to my height. And it was NOT weight!
What? That is brilliant, using Fibonacci’s golden ratio for aesthetics!
Well, I liked it when I saw it. But I already paid for a gym membership. I was not going to spend MORE money.
But after reading the reviews and seeing all the transformations I hopped on board. And it worked!

Pierre Farine

“The best thing about it in my opinion is that while it is definitely challenging, it is not impossible to stick with because it is not so extreme that the majority could not sustain it. And what helps with making it so easy to sustain is the variety.”


“John changed my life because it changed my habits. My everyday routine became my way of living. I feel very strong and healthy now and I have lots of energy.”

Jason Gottlieb

“John has taught me to live, not just diet. It isn’t always easy, but it is beautifully simple: eat whatever I want within my calories, and lift weights. The most monumental mental shift I’ve made is no longer having an “all or nothing” mentality, meaning I don’t punish myself emotionally and then blow off the rest of the day/week/month because I screwed up. I can LIVE and ENJOY my life!”
Lou Ann

Andrew Scott

“I found the key to my success this time was John’s secret of “never let them see you sweat”. I never complained about dieting or bragged about hitting the gym 5-6 days/week. Instead I made it a personal journey and made sure to still enjoy social eating with my friends (within reason).”

Sean Rafferty

“I have tried so many diets over the past 15 years and I did initially lose weight on them, but I would get to a certain point to where I would stop losing weight and eventually the weight came back on. Now, I finally can see my body changing shape, getting stronger, and feeling healthy. Now that I am at the end of the contest, I can truthfully say that I feel like I finally have control over my body to shape it through a sensible diet and exercise program.”

Alexander Suherman

“With a steely resolve and a take no prisoners attitude those first 4 weeks flew by in textbook perfection and with them weight and cms flew off me so fast I was certain I’d be skeletal before the 12 weeks were done. It was exhilarating, I didn’t hate my body anymore and when I pulled on trousers, I could button them up whilst continuing to breathe normally.”

Andrew Peters

“One of the best things about being a Venus is the access to the community. I am convinced that the biggest part of my success was the support from other Venus women. It would be easy not to put myself out there or make myself accountable to these women, but I would not have been successful. I would say to anyone wanting to make the most out of this program to use the tools that are provided. Take advantage of the forums, podcast, emails, and don’t be afraid to ask questions!”

Rodrigo Caceres

“I appreciate the look that other Venus women have, but I don’t try to look like them because my body is different. It’s all about the best shape I can achieve. Although my 12-week contest is behind me, my journey isn’t over yet. I plan to be a Venus gal for life. I feel wonderful and I am so proud of myself for taking on this challenge. If I can do it, anyone can! “

Thomas Power

“I now weigh 142 pounds and it just keeps coming off! The compliments come from people every day. I am a more confident and outgoing woman now. I do not want this journey to end! I will continue to strive toward my Venus Index Measurements. I love John’s coaching! Anybody can do this! Thank you for changing my life forever! :)”

Tommy Lacaprucia

Through the coaching program I have learned how to eat in a way that I can maintain in my real life. I have discovered that I really enjoy weight and resistance training. It has taken the place of my missing running activities and I couldn’t be happier with my results!
Valerie Pallister

Peter Dickison

It is not just some diet. It has been a lifestyle change, for it has provided me with the right tools, skills, and mindset to manage my eating habits and get into the best health and shape of my life. Portion control, calorie budgeting, and lifting heavy are key. Flexibility and freedom to choose what and when you eat reigns. Finding balance in what you eat—and in life—is imperative.

Michael B

There are so many things I have learned along the way these last 12 weeks. I was a holier than thou, super judgmental, food snob who needed to relax, stop reading everything regarding health and fitness and just make it happen. John’s coaching put me on the right path. The one I’ve wanted now for so, so long. I finally feel like I’ve got the magic ticket to life long health and fitness. There were a few stumble forwards along the way just like I had heard on so many of the podcasts.
But that is life- it’s never just all smooth sailing.

Harold Shim

The best part is I have reached results in my weight and physique that I didn’t even think or dare to dream of having at this stage in life. I have surpassed my “ideal” weight I thought I wanted and I fit smaller sized clothing than I can even remember. Ultimately, I feel more geared up for success in every area of my life after accomplishing this goal. If I can do this, I can do anything! Thank you John, I am a changed woman!!

Eric Weinbrenner

Wow is all I can say. I accidentally clicked on this ad on facebook six months ago and its the best mistake I’ve ever made. Went into this with no expectations just wanted to lose 20-30lbs and discovered I love weights and I’m so mad at myself for having a gym membership and using it for cardio classes. This program has helped me get to a level of fitness that I have never had in my entire life. The coaching has changed my life forever and helped me find a new passion.
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