Reality Check – You Can’t Look Like This Without Steroids

Here are a few pictures of people who have admitted to using steroids. If you think you can look like these guys without steroids…you’re wrong. If any of these guys are the type of muscle size you want, then you gotta do what they did to get there. I’ve included a couple before an after to show you how dramatic of a change Canseco and McGwire had.

The only honest man in baseball.


Wouldn't admit it until now...who was he fooling?
Wouldn't admit it until now…who was he fooling?


This is not attainable without drugs.
This is not attainable without drugs.


Clip from a movie when he admits to using steroids.
Clip from a movie when he admits to using steroids.


Take a good look at each guy.

And lets be clear. You cannot look like any of these guys without using drugs.

If you thought you could then you’re mistaken.

Each of these guys has publicly admitted to using steroids.

If you still want to look like these guys, then you need to find a local steroid dealer…end of story.

Have a great Saturday!
